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tv   Americas Newsroom  FOX News  May 1, 2013 6:00am-8:01am PDT

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>> steve: tomorrow is only mayo dedos. >> gretchen: that's when they're having it. see you friday. log on for after the show show. >> brian: i'm going to el torito bill: good morning, everybody. the morning after pill is moving over-the-counter. the fda announcing plan b will be available to children as young as 15 years old and no prescription needed. welcome to america's newsroom. martha: i'm martha mccallum. this comes days before a court-ordered deadline would have lifted all the restrictions
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on plan b. some women's health advocates have pushed for no age limits so kids 10-11 years old would be able to get it as well. bill: what did the fda decide. >> reporter: you can be as young as 15 years old and get an emergency contraceptive. the decision lowers the age for the pills by two years and enables 15-year-olds to obtain the emergency one step without a prescription and they will put it on pharmacy shelves. advocates sued the government tone able them to get the pills. the department of justice is considering the next steps in the litigation. the fda took independent action,
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the use without a prescription for use for women 15 years or older. the fda said they studied the pill and say women as young as 15 understand how to use the emergency pill and are familiar with exactly what it does and how it works. the center for reproductive rights says there should be no restrictions on the availability of such contraceptives. the group's ceo and president says these are daunting and sometimes insurmountable hoops and we'll continue our battle in court to remove these arbitrary
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restrictions on emergency contraception for all women. this comes as a federal court judge ruled that the morning after pill should be available to all women no matter what their age. even women younger than 15 as now decided by the fda. bill: more today, we'll talk to dr. manny alvarez and others. dr. manny is a pediatrician. thee minutes past the hour now. martha: a critical new piece of evidence reportedly being tracked in the boston bombings case. people are look at the green honda civic registered to the father of the alleged bombers. they are look at the claim that the tsarnaev brothers gunned down sean collier. police are reportedly trying to
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match that vehicle to surveillance footage from the night of the killing. because so far there are no charges yet in the killing of collier. bill: there is rising concern about another terror attack after the boston bombings. a new cbs poll finds 66% of americans believe another attack is likely in the next few months. 66-31 on the board there today. you know what the mind of the american people is now after they saw that soft target in boston, how public it became. martha: this kind of soft target random attack that we have been hearing about and been preparing for for so long. bill: as all these marathons
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move across the country. we are in the season of marathons right now. martha: nobody will ever go into it without thinking about that again. we know when these explosive hearings on the deadly consulate building get under attack. president obama denied they were trying to keep it quite. but one is talking to fox news and he said he believes more should have been done. we have new developments on the benghazi story. adam housley spoke with this man, an exclusive witness. good morning, adam. >> reporter: there are a number of sources we have been talking to. a lot of them won't come before a camera. they are worried about the safety and security of their
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family. but this person we spoke to had the guts to talk about what he knew. we heard from him yesterday saying he believes that there were what couple of team that could have made it there before the second attack. today he talked about the hunt for those responsible. >> make no mistake, justice will be done. >> reporter: 7 months and still no arrest after the brutal attack in benghazi, libya killing four americans. multiple sources tell fox news that the u.s. has identified the mastermind of benghazi attack who is still in libya and walks free. >> we basically don't want to upset anybody. the problem is if ambassador steven's family knew we were sitting on information about the people who killed their son, their brother, and we as a
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government, we are messing up. >> reporter: fox news spoke exclusively with this special operator who watched the events unfold in realtime. he remains anonymous for his safety and decided to talk because he says he and others connected the with the attacks are frustrated with the thrms. >> we have all the training and capacity to kill or capture that not on the terrorists involved with the specific events of 9/11 and ambassador stevens' death and the terrorists feeding all of europe that could affect our national security in the short term. >> reporter: you are pretty frustrated. >> absolutely.
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it's a daily frustration. >> reporter: we contacted the state department, the fbi and the cia to see if they would comment. none of them responded to our request for comment. martha: adam, thank you very much. bill: we are going to talk to jason chaffetz about that later. we are learning about a deadly plane crash at the bagram airport in afghanistan. it appears to stall and plummet to the ground. a spokesperson says five of the victims from from the state of mmp michigan. >> he has been a pilot since he
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was 19. he loved flying. what he loved more than flying was his wife of only 2 weeks. they were married just two weeks ago. i love my brother more than anything. if i could trade places with him so he could, his family i would in a heart beat. bill: national airlines working with the ntsb to find out what caused that crash. it could be the american dream of toning your home be a thing of the past? new data find homeownership is the lowest it's been since 1993. the first quarter down 65.4. so a slight decline despite the fact that you have interest rates and historic lows yet again. go ahead, my friend. >> reporter: this is a very sad story to see this major plank of the american dream
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fading it was my dream a generation ago when i first came to america. it's the story of the middle class being squeezed. go back to 2004. homeownership rate 69%. now it's down to 65%, the lowest rate since 1995. why has this happened? falling real middle class incomes. it's tough to get the down payment together when your real income is falling and it still is. number two, you can't get a loan. credit restrictions, very, very tight. number three, bank regulations stopped banks from taking the kind of risks they used to take in the housing market. the american dream, i think, bill, is fading. bill: i guess to help with that you have to improve incomes. did you get any sense of
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geography? >> reporter: homeownerships lowest in the west. highest in the midwest. 59% west, 69% midwest. bill: jobs reports. >> reporter: 119,000 private sector jobs created last month. way down from what was expected what is needed. in the month of march we were down scaled at 27,000 jobs. this is a grim picture. within that, small business hiring the because they see obama-care coming. you have got a lot more payment. bill: what was sected? >> reporter: 160,000. bill: that's a big difference. check him out on fox business network. martha: a new poll says lots of
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americans don't realize became care is indeed the law of the land now. so how hard is it going to be to implement a law that a lot of people don't realize is the law? bill: did the feds miss key clues about the suspects prior to? martha: president obama responding to fox news reports that benghazi whistleblowers are being told they need to keep quiet. his surprising reaction. then what congressman jason chan chaffetz says to claims the obama administration is not being up front. >> they have two letters we want you to approve a process to provide information. how can they possibly glipt and lie to the press corps.
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martha: it was a frightening scene in north carolina. a truck stopped on the tracks in heavy traffic when the crossing arms started to come down. the truck tried to get out of the way about it was too late. the train clipped the truck sending pvc pipes all over the road. the driver has been charged with stopping on a railroad crossing. bill: there is brand-new polling that shows americans are confused about the status of the healthcare legislation. kaiser family foundation find 42% unaware that the law is in place. meanwhile our new fox polling shows 54% want the law repealed which is mostly unchanged in what we found two years ago at 56%. steven.
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you write a lot about this law and it came up yesterday at the press conference. some questions, some answers, perhaps some clarifications. take poll number one. 4 in 10 unaware of the current status? what does that suggest? >> remember when nancy pelosi the house speaker namously said we'll read the bill after we pass it. the american people don't know much about this bill. even though it's 1/7 of our economy. they are concerned how it's going to affect our own individual health insurance plan. bill: you have this question about repeal it was 56% back in january of 2011. it's come down two points in two years. you believe the more people that find out about this it becomes
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less popular. you suggest that number goes higher. why do you believe that? >> one of the things president obama said back in the debate in obama-care. if you like the health insurance you have now, you will never lose it. it turns out that because of the way that the obama-care system is structured, employers, a lot of them, and this is starting now, small employers, are dropping their healthcare plan and putting their employees into an obama-care pool. workers are saying we don't want to be in that system. i think that's reflected in these negative attitudes you see in today's poll. >> i see a huge train wreck. you and i discussed this many times. i don't see any result yet. what can you do to help all
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these people around the country -- what in the world do i do? they don't know what to do. bill: he used the word train wreck his question. you have two significant dates on the calendar. the uninsured can start applying for unenrollment. i mean, compare that with now max baucus sees this law being implemented, and what do you get? >> max baucus didn't make a lot of friend in the white house when he said that. this is what you were talking to stuart varney about in terms of lousy job numbers. one of the aspects of this bill that is unpopular. you have got this threshold. if you hire more than 50 workers. all of these new obama-care
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regulations which are expensive for small businesses. all of those regulations take effect. have you heard of the term 49er? those are folks -- what that means is firms are capping their employment at 49 workers. they are not hiring that 50th worker. the reason they are not because if they do, once they go over 50, all of those new regulations which make it expensive to run your business take effect. i can't tell i how many small business people i talk to say we are capping at 49. that's a big problem. that means the obama-care bill may actually add to the unemployment problem. bill: yes or no. do they have time to get the kings worked out? >> i don't think so. i think this bill is so structurally flawed you may have
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to -- most of the laws provisions are turning out to be pretty unpopular with the american people. bill: 20 minutes past the hour. martha: president obama apparently raising the bar for military intervention in syria. where is that red line now? >> when i'm making decisions about america's fashion security and the potential for taking additional action in response to chemical weapon use, i have got to make sure i have got the facts. [ bell dings ]
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martha: the ground may be shifting for u.s. involvement in
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syria's civil war. the u.s. is considering upping our ante and sending lethal aid. this comes 24 hours after the president seemed to raise the bar for any kind of military intervention. >> if i can establish a way that not only the united states, but also the international community feel confident is the use of chemical weapons by the assad regime, that's a game changer because that portend potentially even more devastating attacks on civilians. by game changer i mean we would have to rethink the range of options that are available to us. martha: that was yesterday at the use conference. i'm joined by christian whiten.
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read between the tea leaves. what do you think that meant by the president yesterday? >> it means we'll do nothing. there are trial balloons that will supplement humanitarian aid divorced from the war effort and throw in maybe body armor and night vision goggles, maybe munitions. but what the president did was shift from the red line of use of chemical weapons to a situation where we need consensus from the international community. but that existed only in the minds of policy wongs and ph.ds. the president is creating an impossible hurdle to do more. the takeaway, the u.s. isn't going have much of a role in this war.
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martha: basically if we can determine beyond a shadow of a doubt that chemical weapons use is in effect and we can rally international community to that thinking as well and they would be with us on it then we might consider raising our commitment in a more lethal way of aid to these rebels, right? >> right. i think our allies have to be terrified. as in life. you shouldn't go around acting like a clint eastwood if you are a judy garland or shirley temple. you can't say things like that and describe thing as unacceptable, then accept them without sending a signal. this isn't just pertinent to syria. it pertains to iran and the nuclear program and north korea. all of those adversaries have to know they can at least -- or presume they can get away with a
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great deal because of this redefinition. martha: there are talks pending with vladimir putin. what do you expect to come out of that. >> very little. the president hasn't described what u.s. interests there have to be in syria. the president did come out years ago and said assad had to go. there are alternatives into raiding or bombing the country. the problem is absent that i don't see a lot of move from the russia. russia has an ally in the assad regime. it doesn't like seeing a number of countries friendly to the u.s. so that international community consensus the president describes is dependent on russia. they have a veto at the u.n. security council and i don't think -- there is no sort of magical mixture of words that will change at way rushu behaved
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the past couple years. martha: not that this is any solace to the families of 70,000 people killed on the ground in syria as this begins to snowball in the possible way. thank you very much for being here. christian whiton is the author of the upcoming book "smart power." bill: lindsey graham versus barack obama. the president calling out the republican senator saying he's just wrong and he's just trying to grab the headlines. martha: the president applauding the fbi for their work after the boston bombing, but cot attack have been avoided all together? we'll debate that coming up next. >> the second thing that surprised me was no one in the
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press corps asked about the mirandizing of the terrorist who was in the hospital. that is a scandal of the first order. past mprime? i'm a victim of a slowing metabolism? i don't think so. new great grains protein blend. protein from natural ingredients like seeds and nuts. it helps support a healthy metabolism. new great grains protein blend. geico and we could help youo save on boat and motorcycle insurance too. other insurance companies are een with envy. oh, no, no, no...i'm sorry, but this is all wrong? i would never say that. writer: well what would you say? gecko: well i'd probably emphasize the savings. ya know...lose that green with envy bit. rubbish. it's just a reference about my complexion. writer: but the focus groups thought that the... gecko: focus groups. geico doesn't use focus groups. uhh...excuse me. no one told me we were using focus groups. vo: geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance.
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remains released to the family. peter doocy live on the streets. peter, when will the body be released? >> reporter: it could be any time. the medical examiner said they have not heard from tamerlan tsarnaev's widow. but her lawyer is telling us they are going to contact authorities and tell them the family's wish is for her to claim the body. s suspect's uncle contacted a mosque in cambridge about funeral arrangements. but those plans are on hold until the body is release. that's when we'll get the official cause of death for tamerlan tsarnaev. bill: what is the latest on the investigation. >> reporter: sources are
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telling us neither brother wiped their computer hard drive before the bombings and neither brother directly received welfare assistance. but their parents did. that includes federally funded food stamps from october 2002 to november 2004. then from august 2009 to december 2011. we know tamerlan received federal and state assistance to go to community college. we are learning a lot about these suspects now. there is also a lot more we would like to know as the investigation goes on. but here in copley plaza, the focus not at all on the suspects, it's on the victims and the survivors. we are learning the american orthotic and prosthetics association plans to pay for free artificial limbs for the victims who were forced to have amputations. back to you in new york.
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bill: peter doocy live with the latest from boston. martha: top republican senator lindsey graham is firing back after president obama disagreed with his claim that there was not enough intelligence sharing before the boston attack. here is the president from yesterday. >> mr. graham is not right on this issue. though i'm sure it generate sod headlines. i think what we saw in boston was state, local, federal officials, every agency rallying around a city that had been attacked. identifying the perpetrators just hours after the scene had been examined. martha: senator graham says his criticism is about preventing the attacks from happening. not responding to them.
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here is what he said. >> with all due respect to the president, we have lost eight americans to radical islamists in the last 7 months. both benghazi and boston. let's start there, rich. the comparison to benghazi and the grouping of both victims. what do you think about that? >> benghazi involved one of our assets overseas where it was clear there should have been more security and security requests were denied. boston is another matter. martha, in all of these matters hindsight is 2020. 20-20. any time a bomb goes off it's a
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failure. the president seemed to misunderstand senator graham's point which wasn't questioning the response afterwards. it does appear the fbi and the cia weren't communicating the way that were and the watchlists weren't work the way they should have because the red flags didn't go up over that trip to trush which should have sent all systems blinking. martha: let many listen to one more piece of this news conference. >> what i can say is based on what i have seen so far, the fbi performed its doubt is, the department of homeland security did what he was schmoes supposed to be doing. martha: alan, can you say that? we know so many of these people work hard and they have done
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good work. isn't it incumbent on everyone involved that's yes when a bomb goes off it is a failure? >> one of the problems seem to have been communication between the agencies. homeland security had him on a list and the fbi had him on a list. names were spelled wrong in some cases than was not coordination went agencies. that's what has to be addressed to have better coordination so down the road -- he was not on a no-fly list. so why would he be on some lists and not others. we need better coordination went agencies. martha: there is no doubt about that. 11 years later there is 700,000 people on the watchlist. there can't possibly be 700,000 people that we need to be watching closely. it raises a lot of questions
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about whether we are doing a good job here. i'm sure it breaks the heart of everybody involved in these cases when they miss. but if the president doesn't admit when there is a miss you -- where are we next time? >> i think the president is giving into what is a natural tendency. you are the head of this administration, the chief executive, you want to defend the front line guys. george w. bush did this to a fail. some of his moment were defending thing that shouldn't have been defended. the president should have more curiosity about what went longo wrong. this is a decades long thing between the fbi and the cia. it was part of the element of our failure prior to september 11. martha: it created a whole opter bureaucracy to keep these folks talking to each other, the director of national intelligence. we learn mr. clapper is going to
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start an investigation into what went wrong. that's the entire reason for being for that agency. it's something we have been hammering here and needs to be remembered. i want to get to another topic. that's the much discussed $100,000 in benefits for the families. >> i think this is being used to trigger outrage among conservatives. >> this happened 10 years ago when one of the brothers what is 6 or. the other was 13 or 14. it went to the parents who were in the country legally. they legally call fired for it. we don't have a time machine to go back and know what would hav. martha: here is the problem. thee were here under asylum yet they were traveling back and forth from the country they were
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in asylum for. >> it's insane to give asylum to somebody because he supposedly fears the country he's coming from and then he feels comfortable to go back to the country. immigrants shouldn't be coming here to get on welfare. that makes no sense, whether they blow something up or not. it's wrong. >> the asylum issue and welfare issue are two separate questions. they did qualify by what the rules are. martha: it's another case of right hand not knowing what the left hand is doing. gentlemen, thank you very much. rich, alan, we'll see you soon. bill: the hunt is one on for a twisted killer. a killer who murdered an 8-year-old girl and what we are learn being this case this morning. martha: president obama responding to allegations from government workers saying they were threatened because they
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wanted to tell what they knew about benghazi. they work for cia. they work for the state department. we know when they will be. >> i don't think we have gotten to the bottom of what did the state department know, when did they know it, why they didn't take action. and then during the attack itself, why weren't assets brought in? why wasn't our government doing more to protect the american on the ground. ocuvite. help protect your eye health.
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bill: we are just hearing the house will hold a hearing on the benghazi terror attacks one week from today. all this coming just days after fox news reports on government employees who say they have been threatened with their jobs to keep them from revealing information about the attack to congress. >> i'm not familiar with this notion that anybody has been blocked from testifying. so what i'll do is i will find out what exactly you are referring to. bill: there was a followup to that that went nowhere as well. jason chaffetz, a republican, good to see you in the studio. what did you think about how the president reacted. >> if he's going to get to the
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bottom of it he better hurry you have and do it. we have whistleblowers saying late this out for -- lay this out for us. they want some protection from attorneys. that means the attorney also need the same degree of security clearance. the attorney is saying have the person come talk to us. they have come to the united states congress for protection. they need to lay this out. it's not a classified document about how to get an attorney. bill were tell me about the hearing next week. i'm grateful chairman issa and the speaker are having this hearing. next wednesday 11:30 is the first of what i think will be a few more hearings. we'll hear from people who have personal firsthand knowledge of what happened in benghazi. bill: does that mean the
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whistleblowers are testify? >> i think next wednesday those who are concerned about this will finally get some ... bill: if that's the case the whistleblowers will reveal their i'd tie. do you have it on authority that they are willing to do that? >> we have a number of people who stepped forward that want truth to prevail. we want to make sure they have all the protections in place. we'll have them go through that process. we are just trying to get to the truth. bill: are you saying it's a a possibility they will appear? >> i think they will be appearing. some of them. there is a host them. there are different levels in which they have come and spoken was. bill, the state department said the state department would never tolerate or sanction retaliation against whistleblowers.
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that's an obligation we take seriously. >> the non-classified process which which they will get an attorney and get that whistleblower protection. they haven't been able to do that in weeks. it should be a two-hour process. bill: speaker boehner was on our show last week and said i'm not willing to go for a select committee now. i know others feel otherwise. are you disappointed with the speaker's position? >> let the attorneys do their job and we can gets to the bottom of this. >> we were the first ones to hold a hearing. we don't need a select committee if you just allow the committees to do their job. bill: jason chaffetz, thank you for your time. martha: guantanamo bay is home to some of the world most notorious terrorists. president obama vowed to close
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it four years ago, but he got pushback.
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martha: a police officer trying to pull over a driver for not wearing his seat belt is lucky to have had his on. he lost control and drove up the pole. it happenedn on elvis presley boulevard in memphis. he was fine. he was issued a citation, the police officer was, for failure to maintain proper control of your vehicle. bill: i got this ticket. what do you do? elvis presley boulevard?
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>> police in sacramento trying to connect the dots. suspect in the fatal stabbing of an 8-year-old girl inside her home and another kidnapping in the same area. could there be aling? >> reporter: there could be. both attacks happened in northern california and both involved little girls. 42-year-old jason wynan was arrested after break into an apartment and trying to kidnap a 15-month-old toddler. the mother fought him off. while investigators say this kidnapping case does not seem to be connected to layla fowler's murder. they have taken dna as they
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would in any crime against children in the same region. bill: she was remembered in an outpouring of support last night. what happened? >> reporter: 1,000 people attended a candlelight vigil at her elementary school. she was remembered as a daddy's girl with a smile that could melt hearts and who loved anything ping or purple. the residents are showing support for her heartbroken parents. her mother spoke for the first time. >> i want to thank the entire community and family and friends for the support you have given my family. it will never be forgotten. >> reporter: meantime, the investigation continues along with fingerprints and dna evidence. authorities are also testing several knives found at the fowler home.
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martha: president obama now wants a do over on gitmo saying he will work with congress again on it and even consider executive options as 100 terror detainees are carrying out a highly publicized hunger strike and are being force fed. what an image, what a scene that must be at gitmo right now. good morning and welcome back to morning's newsroom. i'm martha maccallum. bill: i'm bill hemmer. the failure to shut down gitmo one of the president's more 4 noticed failed campaign promise sesess. ph obama renewing his case to close it for good as he says he doesn't want those on a hunger strike to die. >> it is expensive. it is inefficient.
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it hurts us, in terms of our international standing. it lessens cooperation with our allies on counterterrorism efforts. it is a recruitment tool for extremists. it needs to be closed. martha: elizabeth pran joins us live from washington. what is the president proposing this time around? >> reporter: during a news conference yesterday president obama looking to reengage lawmakers, he says keeping gitmo open is not sustainable and only damaging to the u.s. image. this as he renews a old campaign promise to close the camp. more than a hundred inmates are fasting on a hunger strike, some for weeks and weeks and weeks because of their incarceration without a trial. of the president needs congress on this. there are laws in place restrict being the transfer of detainees elsewhere. >> i've asked my team to review everything that is currently being done in guantanamo, everything that we can do administratively, and i'm going to reengage with congress to try to make the case that this is
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not something that is in the best interests of the american people. >> reporter: meanwhile dozens of prisoners are being force fed liquid meals through tubes in their noses. martha: the president mentioned it's quite costly to keep it open, right? >> reporter: very. the costs keep on rising as the facility ages. military figureses who oversee the prison have requested millions of dollars in repairs. the yearly cost is about $800,000 and operating costs around 150 million each year. during the news conference yesterday we learned few details or even a plan on how to overcome the legal and political challenges. and administration spokeswoman says the white house is weighing a raining of options, such as parole hearings or a new state department officer that would focus on reducing the number of inmates and move toward a closure. the the president's original plan for guantanamo was moving
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remaining prisoners to a supermax-tile prison in illinois. that was blocked by congress as well. martha: thanks so much. bill: for more on this i want to bring in bret baier anchor of special report in washington. good morning to you. >> good morning, bill. bill: he's going to continue to fight this. you wonder what his options are right now. i mean, lay that out for us. what would the white house do? >> reporter: yeah, bill. i mean if he could have closed it already he would have. i mean the first thing he did when he got to office in his first term was to sign something that said, gitmo would be closed within one year. that didn't happen. he blames congress. he did yesterday. but his administration has not found a way to deal with this. and they have not found a way -- bill: on that point when they think about that and they deliberated how do they change course, or can they? >> reporter: that is a great question. because they don't have a detention policy. there is no u.s. detention
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policy currently. if you capture someone now overseas where are they to go? we don't send anyone to gitmo any more. so, where is the u.s. holding anyone? i don't know the answers to these questions, and i don't know that anyone in the administration has an answer to this question. right now the policy is, it has been, a lot of drones have been used to takeout al-qaida figures overseas, and they've been killed. if you capture someone, where are they going? if they are going to be brought back and federally charged, i guess that that is the process that we're seeing set up, and that is not going to play really with some democrats even on capitol hill. bill: here is buck ma keena republican quote now on the screen. for years congress encouraged the president to develop a
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comprehensive detention policy i in the administration's failure to do so they have removed lawful options from our counterterrorism arsenal. eaves on the house armed services committee. >> reporter: it's not just republicans, there are a number of democrats who have expressed reservations about this. you'll remember when the trial was going to move forward in new york, with mohammed and all the hubbub about that. that was shut down, and it wasn't just republicans shutting it down. this is a big, big deal. for the president to say he's going to get back on this. that is a big hurdle with all of the other things and hurdles that this administration needs to get democrats and republicans together on. that is another big one for this administration to do. bill: what do you hear also when the release does happen, we find a lot of them return to the field of battle. you know, what is the administration's position on
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that, about how much concern they have about that? >> reporter: the recidivism rate is high. there have been multiple studies about that, about that leaving gitmo and getting back in the fight against the u.s. the other problem here, bill, is that some of these countries won't take these people back, number one, the other one is that we won't send them back to countries where they'll be tortured or killed. so it's a sticky situation. bill: yeah, indeed. i mean the thought came up yesterday about yemen, that country refusing the return of many too. we'll see you at 6:00 eastern time. thank you. martha: a little more background on guantanamo. the detention facility was opened in january of 2002. 166 detainees are currently being held there, 16 of them are considered high value detainees including the selfproclaimed 9/11 mastermind, chalid shaikh
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mohammed. bill: police say a blast near the parents of the two bombers home killed two people. the brother visited the country last year. they want to know if he had contact with extremists while he was there. martha: spring out there. you've got snow. look at this. may 1st snow falling fast in colorado. the temperatures extremely chilly and boots required, folks, in may whe from the rockies all the way to the midwest. maria molina is live in the fox news extreme weather center. >> we are talking significant snowfall across sections of colorado all the way to parts of the great lakes. some of you could be seeing potentially a foot of snow. the other big story of course is how cold it is out there. we are tooking potentially record-cold temperatures as we head into tonight and even into
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thursday night. amarillo, yesterday in texas you reached 97 degrees for your high temperature. as we head into tonight and especially through thursday night it will be very cold. you could be dipping down into the 20s. so a significant change here with this very strong cold front, 32 is the temperature right now in the city of denver. 39 in the city of minneapolis. tonight getting even colder. 20s for you in the city of denver. 25 in rapid city. because it's so cold we do have the cold enough tops to see the snow coming down and we do have it coming down in colorado right now. nebraska, and spreading into sections of minnesota and minneapolis you are currently under a winter storm warning because you can see 6 to 9 inches of snow, denver they could see about 6 inches. martha, one thing i do want to point out, temperatures at the surface need to be at freezing as well for that snow to stick. martha: we've heard of light deprivation, these people are suffering from spring deprivation and my heart goes out to them. thank you, maria. >> reporter: thank you.
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bill: amazing stuff isn't it. here is a sight you don't want to see either. northern california, sonoma and napa counties you've got fire crews working on fires in both of these areas. the fires were started by downed power lines which means that area is flat out dry and they could use a lot of the wet stuff that maria was just talking about in the sent interpreter part of the country in the upper plains. we are watching this. a shot out of san francisco, the smoke and the fire that burns below. martha: new controversy this morning when the morning-after-pill is moving over-the-counter and available to children as young as 15 years old. is that too young to be taking this into their own hands? dr. manny alvarez and a great panel coming up on that. you don't want to miss that. bill: the feds studying things between the boston bombers and overseas extremistses. did critical intelligence fall through the cracks here and what the feds can do to fix it. martha: a new lead today in the
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search for a missing mother as we now hear the 9111 call after she vanished from her job at the gas station. >> i'm concerned that nobody -- there is nobody here. i just walked inside, there is nobody. there is a car here, there is another car out front, but it's very suspicious why there's nobody here. people join angie's list for all kinds of reasons.
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bill: the death toll rising in that tragic building collapse in bangladesh. more than 400 are dead. more than 2500 injured. that was an eight-story building that crumbled about a week ago trapping thousands of workers inside of a garment factory under cement and twisted metal. rescuers say they will continue working until everyone has been rekofrpd. the owner of th recovered. the owner of the building has been arrested. martha: a hot and serious topic in the controversy over the fda's approval for
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over-the-counter sales for emergency contraception to people as young as 15 years old. our own dr. manny alvarez writes this. quote, this decision is just another example of how our healthcare system is broken, and no one is really watching what is going on in america today. seems like everything else in this administration changes when there are hard decisions to make. dr. manny alvarez is the senior managing editor of, and gemu green joins me on the set, former president of the women's media center and a fox news contributor. since we heard from dr. manny in the intro, ge mu, your reaction to that? >> i think this decision is really about removing obstacle he will hes and barriers for all women in making this over the country. we have to applaud the fda chooserring science over politics. when you have politics mixing with the melody situations that a woman is making with her family and with her doctor, and
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a young woman would be making with herself or with her partner, with her parents, ideally with her parents. martha: the parents are not included in this equation, jehmu, because if you're 15 years old you can walk into any pharmacy, any retail outlet that has a little pharmacy with it and you can do something that is going to dramatically change what is going on in your body. dr. manny? >> this is exactly the opposite, this politics getting their nose in healthcare like everything else they are doing in this country. you know, since when is a 15-year-old child a woman? now give me a break. i have a 14-year-old daughter, she is a teenager, she is a child, she has a lot of growing up to do, it is my responsibility, and my wife's responsibility alone to bring that to fruition, not the federal government, not the president, not anybody else. and, you know it's funny because president obama, when secretary
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sebelius came on whatever it was that this -- the first choice of plan b was being proposed he said well i agree with her. 17 should be the limit. i supported that. all of a sudden now some judge in new york questions that, everybody runs for the hills, nobody wants to make the hard decision -gs and all of a sudden now it's 15 years. so what is going to happen two years from now? somebody is going to make another argument and they are going to say, you know what, maybe it should be from the moment they are born. come on. that is just -- that is politics interfering in healthcare and to me there are side effects, and i'm going to be talking about it, i'm going to be telling the american public, this is a medication, and parents should be aware exactly of what is going on. martha: i've read warnings on allergy medication -gs for my kids. >> look 4, okay -- this is the pill, right and this is the answer. it reads like the constitution. there is so many months pweults, probabilities, percentages.
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you're going to tell me a 15-year-old girl who could even buy it and give it to a 14-year-old or 13-year-old, is going to understand all the potential side effects and what they should do after this if they have any of the symptoms? martha: doesn't this concern you? >> what concerns me is that not all young people, not all teenagers have the relationship that probably dr. manny has with his daughter. >> so why don't we work on that first? >> for those young women who do not have that opportunity to talk to their parents, get their parents involved in this decision, we can't leave them out there in the cold, and who else has been left out in the cold are all women. when you have the ability for them not to get this over th over-the-counter, there are barriers by pharmacy hours being not open at all times. pharmacies not in as many locations for women. this affects all of us. ideally yes parents would be talking to their children about this but they are not all doing it. martha: that is like going to a
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pediatrician appointment and listening to what a doctor has to say to your child. what scarce me, is 7th, 8th h9th graders say to each other you don't have to worry about it. you can take would be of these pills. urbg get corner right after. it's no problem. >> the research shows that teenagers understand that this is not to replace, you know, ongoing contraception, that this is -- these are isolated situations. >> i have to disagree with you there. i have to disa tkpwhraoep wit disagree with you. there is overwhelming evidence that women in college, women in college sometimes use this emergency contraception as their routine method of contraception. you know what, they don't want to be on the pill, and so every time they make a mistake they run and get this. and every time they make a mistake they go and get this. it becomes a habit. and the habit becomes the method of choice for preventing pregnancy and that is at the college level. martha: who knows, i mean what the long-lasting implications of using it in that way are when
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this girl decides she wants to have a baby a few years down the road. >> i'm not arguing that this has mild to moderate side effects not terrible side effects. i worry about he can topic pregnancies, i worry about a lot of things as an obgyn. i have woman that come to my practice sometimes and they don't even know that they are pregnant. i have a problem with that. i do realize that this used properly, which is my argument, used properly with good instruction -gs with adult-like a attitudes in the person that is taking it is okay. but not at 11 years old or 15. martha: we have to leave it here. thank you both for being here. it's a very controversial decision. bill: more to come on this too. 20 minutes past the hour now martha. thank you for that. the fate of an abortion doctor now in the hands of the jury as the case that shocked the nation is close to an end. fox news did our own investigation on this matter. what you did not know about the accused doctor's role in the abortion rights movement that
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goes back 40 years. that is next. martha: if you thought that our lawmakers didn't get along here check this video out. it looks like superman in the middle. tp*eufsfists flying in a sharply divided country. we'll tell you where when we come back. ♪ [ female announcer ] it's no secret. recently, jcpenney changed. some changes you liked.
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and some you didn't. but what matters with mistakes is what we learn. we learned a very simple thing. to listen to you. to hear what you need to make your life more beautiful. come back to jcpenney. we heard you. now we'd love to see you. ♪
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martha: well the united states is paying even more to russia for our astronauts to hitch a ride to the international space station. the price $70 million a round trip seat. that is up from the previous price tag which was $65 million. nasa chief kharld bolden pwhra*eupling congress for not approving his request for funding for a commercial space
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effort for this. bill: what a bargain. a jury deciding the fate of an abortion doctor accused of murder. prosecutors say dr.~kermit gosnell killed four babies who survived abortion attempts at a clinic in philadelphia. he allegedly performed illegal late-term abortion -gs in shockingly filthy conditions. peter buyer is the editor at large here at fox news and he appears in a special coming up this friday called "see no evil" we'll talk about that in a moment. you went deep into this doctor's background in investigating where he was and how he operated in philadelphia. what you found is he was a controversial figure years ago. >> oh, yes, bill. i mean going back 40 years, in the late 60s, early 1970s. dr.~kermit gosnell was this freshly minted md who had a world of choice before him, who located himself right at the heart of the radical fridge of
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the abortion rights movement. this was when roe was being considered by the supreme court. bill: early 70s. >> yes. and there was a radical feminist group that decided to stage a political event, a little piece of political theater over a weekend in may, 1972, mother's day weekend. they were going to basically do a massa mass abortion, make a political statement. they shipped in 15 women in various stages of pregnancy, some of them quite advanced. all they needed was a medical doctor to be the star of this piece of political showmanship. and dr.~kermit gosnell said, yes. what they where are going to do is perform these abortions with an experimental device that was basically designed at the kitchen table of an abortion quack from california, which is
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another story. but 'twas in essence a plastic razor ball that would be inserted into these young women, and the idea was that it would precipitate abortion, public television was brought in to help publicize the event and record it, now lost to history, and it turned out to be a disastrous -- bill: they referred to this as the mother's day massacre. there is a doctor we are about to hear from, sidney wolf that is featured in your reporting. i just want to listen to this reflection. >> they were never told that this is an experiment. they were never told some of the known dangers about it. dr. gosnell's license should have been yanked then. bill: his license was not that i can even away. >> no, it was not. bill: what happened? >> gosnell in fact was defiant. of those 15 women nine suffered very serious complications, a
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couple of them had surgeries, a major hysterectomy was performed on one young woman. doctor gosnell said, you know, what i am doing is in fact rather than just talking about women's reproductive rights i'm going to do something about it. and what he did was open an abortion clinic in west philadelphia, and he ran that for three decades plus and performed thousands and thousands and thousands of abortions, some of which were quite problematic. bill: i know you have done a lot of work on this and we will see a lot of that on friday evening . a jury is currently deliberating this. we will get to your program on friday ao night. check out peter's work and the rest of our fox news team. it's called "see no evil" the dr.~kermit gosnell case. it's at 9:00 eastern time. martha: an incredible, awful story. all right. we have this coming up for you this morning.
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amanda knox, do you remember this story? she is now speaking out. >> it's one thing to be called certain things in the media, it's another thing to be sitting in a courtroom, fighting for your life while people are calling you a devil. it's not true. martha: the tell-all to the murder mystery that landed her ph jail. bill: also, tim thee bow is looking for a new job and apparently he's got an offer. the question is whether or not he'll take it. [ male announcer ] running out of steam? ♪ now you can give yourself a kick in the rear! v8 v-fusion plus energy. natural energy from green tea plus fruits and veggies. need a little kick? ooh! could've had a v8. in the juice aisle.
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martha: this just in from the new york city medical examiner's office, and it has to do with the engine part that was found, the piece of the plane that was found wedged between two buildings downtown, it's believed to be the wreckage from one of the planes from september 11th, the news is that no human remains were found attached or as part of that wreckage site, and that comes from the new york city medical examiner's office. there are so many families who are still waiting for some evidence of their lost loved ones. apparently that was not found at this site. bill: amanda knox is breaking her silence about a legal
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nightmare she was hoping would be in her rear view mirror. she is the former american exchange student spending four years in an italian prison, could be tried again, pos plea, for her roommate's murder after italy's highest court tossed out an acquittal. in an interview with abc's diane sawyer, knox talked about how she felt when she heard the court's decision. >> it was inch kred me painful. i felt like after crawling through a field of barbed wire and finally reaching what i thought was the end it just turned out that it was the horizon, and i had another field of barbed wire that i had ahead of me to crawl through. bill: there is a lot more from the interview. ann pwrepbd de brender former spokesperson and lawyer for the family. what do we learn about her story? >> we've learned the impact it had on her. we've heard so many things from everybody else in her case
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except for when she testified. for the first time we are hearing from amanda herself about what it felt to go like this and what it feels like right now to be facing another horizon, not an end but another beginning and a horrific one at that. bill: on the names shao that she was called, she devil with an angel face, that was going around during the trial in italian media and other places. listen here. >> i haven't heard that. i mean i've heard the gist of them, and they are wrong. i mean, i was in the courtroom when they were calling me a devil. i mean, it's one thing to be called certain things in the media, and then it's another thing to be sitting in a courtroom fighting for your life, while people are calling you a devil. it's not true. bill: what is her state of mind today, ann?
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>> well, i think when she got back here she was just left alone. she was living her life, going to the university of washington. she has a boyfriend. she spent time with her family and she stk-d the press to leave it alone and believe it or not in seattle everybody did. nobody took pictures of her, interviewed her or anything. now she has all this ahead of her. she has to look at an extradition, a potential new trial, everything like that. as she said so many times holding her head high one step at a time she'll get through it. she already did the barbed wire field and she will do it again with dignity and resolve. bill: the only way she faces another trial is if the u.s. government extra diets her or she voluntarily flies back to it re. i don't see either of those options happening, do you? >> you're exactly right. i agree completely with you. i have think the fact is here, tried in ab seven se in absen tia. that means she can't be
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extradited and convicted in this trial, i can't imagine that will happen. a federal judge in seattle for the state department sending her back the chance eps of that are slim to none. bill: are you saying even if she is convicted without her presence that the u.s. government won't act? >> yes. we have presents tenth for this. some of them have been military cases, where the state department says to italy twice in the last decade we're not sending these people back. probable cause is a completel defense, actual factual incense a complete defense. and also two simple words, double jeopardy. we have it, they don't. she's been acquitted. you can't be tried twice as you well know. bill: have you seen her new book yet, ann? i've seen excerpts and our group has stayed up all night reading it. >> is there much new in that? no, not to us. keep in mind we've been immersed for years. we've been ooh supporting an innocent abroad as we always said, a machined today knox so we know all the details, we've seen the evidence, we have the
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ddd's, we have the crime photos. except for what was going through her mind. it's incredible what she went through. bill: thank you for your time. ann. ann brender. martha: a job offer for tim tebow. a nebraska indoor football team says they will pay the former jet 575 bucks a game. they are called the omaha beef. they don't expect they'll hear back from tebow's agent. i think that is a pretty good bet. they only have six games left and he could get about $450 after all of that. i don't think he needs the omaha's beef's money. there is a lot more obviously than the 2 million he would have got even from the jets. the jets cut tebow on monday, that is just not nice, i don't think that is nice. bill: it happens. >> of. martha: not a nice offer. bill: he can go to canada and play for a lot of years and make a lot of money and be very
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successful. a lot of the guys have done it. martha: omaha beef are trying to get a little publicity and a spot on cable news, which they just did. con tpwrat lacing -gs. bill: they can spend steaks our way. we will take them. links between the boston bombers and overseas terrorists are being studied again. the critical dots that were not connected and what the feds can do to fix that. ♪
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this is what happens when one party claims the other did not win a presidential election. did nicholas maduro win that race and was the victory legitimate? the former leader hugo chavez hand-picked him as his successor before passing away in the month of march. martha: back here in the united states, president obama is now defending his administration's handling of the boston terror attack as federal investigators continue digging deeper into the two bombing suspects. i'm joined by a new york district attorney and a member of the fbi's joint terrorism task force in new york and former navy seal, welcome to all of you. tanks for being here today. you know, there is the before question and the after question. i want to deal with the before question here first because what we heard from the president yesterday was that basically everybody was doing their job, that they were doing what they were supposed to be doing. and director clapper, who runs
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the dni, which is supposed to draw all of thieves entities together, his office says that he believes that every agency involved in collecting and sharing prior to the attack took all of the appropriate steps. so, let me ask you this. jonathan, if they took all of the appropriate steps how could they have missed what this guy was up to? >> well those are great words coming from what i call a senior executive, and that's typical. obviously the system missed some things. the ground agents are the heros in this show. but typically these executives in the political movement, they are still infighting within the executives, and a lot of the times these individuals, they have their own agendas, and the agencies are so big now that things get -- they just slip through the crack. martha: so big is the operative word. you've got a terror watch list that has some 700,000 people on it, which is to my mind just
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extraordinary. i find it hard to believe that there are genuinely 700,000 people who belong on that list, and the name variations haven't been ironed out and all of that, all of these years later. it goes back to also the local cities and their law enforcement and how much information they are getting. remember, right after boston they put a video up saying does anybody know who these people are and one of them had been on the fbi's radar and they had been tracking him. >> right, there are two questions, the past and future. that watch list you're talking about the numbers are incredible but people are put on that watch list for as little as one unverified tip. absolutely that could be credible, they could be a real threat and it could also be nothing to it. so the question i guess for the future is what do we do if anything to try to streamline these organizations? we have 17 different levels of counter intelligent agencies. but to jump to saying, because an executive is saying everything was handled
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correctly, i am not so willing to jump to saying they didn't do things right. that's what this investigation is for. you know, it's much easier to put the pieces together now in the aftermath and law enforcement has at there disposal so much more. martha: hind sight is always 20-20. everyone involved needs to say, look, this fell through the cracks and we need to figure out why, and we are just getting information crossing into our urgent cue moments ago that the u.s. house homeland security chairman mike mccall on "fox news sunday" over the weekend announced there is a hearinged asked for may 9th to examine what happened and the implications for homeland security. here we have another hearing, jonathan, does that give you any hope? >> i agree a hundred percent with anna there, things need to be streamlined and since 9/11 there's been a move, or at least more of a focus to bring agents off the street and into the databasess. and there's just too much information, too many databases,
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too many leads that don't mean anything. now we are seeing the result of that. which is too many meetings. these individuals, these executives need to go back and streamline the system. martha: jonathan u know, the department of national intelligence was created to join those 17 agencies and to make sure that the streamlining was happening. have they been effective in your mind? >> no, and the reason is, the way the federal government works is you either choose to be an agent or you choose to be an executive. and if you travel to the top you know the least about investigating. they need to take seasoned investigators and put them in charge of restructuring them, not senior executives. martha: you look at the fact, anna that tamerlan tsarnaev traveled to russia, dagestan and while he was there the watch that the fbi had on him, the period of time expired while he was there. so if russia has warned you about this guy, and let's put up russia's warning on the screen
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if we can. very clear terms russia has warned you about this guy. why would you allow that watch to expire while he's there and not give yourself the extra warrant time which most people i've talked to agree he would have been given to continue to follow his actions? >> you know, look, this is absolutely very difficult stuff. we all wish that something could have, or would have been done to stop this travesty. you know it's very difficult to ferret out these selfradicalized individuals, because they don't have necessarily any group organized ties, which are easier to find. you know, the little pieces of the investigation will hopefully show us, was every stone unturned to see if they could find something? and god willing the answer is yes, because it's horrible as this is it's only worse if we think something is missed that could have prevented it. we should use this as a lesson learned moving forward and see if there is anything else we can do to more streamline and add to try to save the lives in the future. martha: we need to be diligent
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in figuring out what happened here. thank you very much. bill: are police getting closer to finding a missing mother? new leads, a new sketch, and the family's fresh search for answers this morning. >> he's not doing well at all. he's taking this really hard. you know, as anybody would. how else are you supposed to take it? your loved one is gone, the mother to your son is gone, and no answers. [ male announcer ] at charles schwab, we've committed to setting the bar high by going low. tdd# 1-800-345-2550 like offering schwab etfs tdd# 1-800-345-2550 with the lowest operating expenses tdd# 1-800-345-2550 in their respective lipper categories -- tdd# 1-800-345-2550 lower than ishares tdd# 1-800-345-2550 and vanguard. tdd# 1-800-345-2550 and with all our etfs commission-free tdd# 1-800-345-2550 when traded online in a schwab account, tdd# 1-800-345-2550 it leaves our investors with more money to invest. tdd# 1-800-345-2550 something they've come to count on with us. tdd# 1-800-345-2550 so as investors continue to set their portfolio goals high, tdd# 1-800-345-2550 we help keep their costs of investing low. tdd# 1-800-345-2550 give us a call and open an account today. tdd# 1-800-345-2550
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martha: u.s. border patrol responding to an emergency, a man trapped in barbed wire as he allegedly tried to cross a fence on the california-mexico border. firefighters reached him by ladder and freed him. he got tangled up in the circle of wire there. they took him into custody once he was safely on the ground.
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bill: they never get away, do they. >> new details in the certain much of a young mother from michigan. police released a sketch of a man who is wanted for questioning in her disappearance. investigators believe the 25-year-old woman was abducted while finishing a shift at a gas station on friday night. that sketch that you're looking at now said to be the driver of a gray minivan police are searching for. witnesses say the van was seen parked near the station then driving away. rod wheeler former homicide detective, fox news contributor is trying to put the pieces together on this. and rod good morning to you. >> good morning, bill. bill: we have some clues right now. telephone us how significant the sketch could be. >> well i have think right now that's all that the police department have to go on now. the sketch so that the viewers know came from an eyewitness who was at a neighboring business to where this gas station is located, and this eyewitness also provided information that she heard a conversation between some guy at the gas pumps and our victim here, the woman that is missing, so, rebecca.
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i think all of these things will be very significant in the investigation. one other very critical point here, bill, with this investigation, there is a bar located right next to the gas station as well on the other side, like the eastern side of the gas station, so police will be interviewing the bartenders and the employees at that location seeing if they have any information as well to provide. bill: was the eyewitness at the bar or do we know that? >> no the eyewitness according to the published reports, as a matter of fact, fox 17 which is the local fox affiliate there they interviewed individuals that work at a neighboring business. they didn't say it was the bar, they said a neighboring business that's where the eyewitness came from. martha: bill: this was late at night on friday night. apparently a customer showed up for gas, there was no one working there, and they were the ones that called police and tipped ofp the investigation. but -- dash tipped off the investigation. there was no surveillance camera the a the gas station is that correct. >> you're exactly right. there was no surveillance camera. the only surveillance video, as the viewers can see there was some video, that video came from the bar i was talking about, the
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bar next to the gas station had a camera on the outside. now here is the thing, bill, the police are not sure how involved this van is in her disappearance, but right now it's all we have to go on. even if we could find the occupants of this van, the owner of this van, just to get any information that he or she may have, that would be very helpful in this investigation. bill: talk about the people who are significant in her life. she is know the married, right. >> no she's not married. bill: she's doe have acquaintances? sph she has a fiance, the police have interviewed him. they've given him the polygraph examine in which they've said he passed. she also had a boyfriend according to some published reports. she is a very likable person, had many friendsmmunity, a relal community. the police are still seeking tips, though, if anyone has any more information to provide they definitely can use that. bill: is the namely cooperating? was there any rub there within the family that we know of? >> well according to published reports everyone is cooperating. the police chief, a guy by the
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name of shaw he said that the family has been very cooperative. they are getting a lot of information from the family and right now other than that van and that sketch that they have, that's really all they have to go on at this point. bill: we'll take the van and we'll take the sketch and see where it leads if anywhere. thank you, rod wheeler working for that story for us out of washington. >> thank you, bill. martha martha health and human services secretary kathlee cat ka saoeb kwrug sebelius is commenting now on the idea of selling the morning-after-pill to 15-year-old-year-olds.
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great first gig! let's go! party! awwwww... arigato! we are outta here! party...... finding you the perfect place, every step of the way. . ..
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martha: want to bring this to you hot off that the very controversial decision and big conversation we had a little while ago new word from kathleen sebelius, secretary of health and human services who commented moments ago on morning after bill. >> madam secretary, the morning after pill will be able over-the-counter and age restrictions lowered. do you support that? >> the fda made the decision and i support their decision. martha: she did not used to support the decision. the fda made it official today. saying morning-after pill, plan b is available without subscription and can by buy over-the-counter for teens from age 15. bill: what does it say? martha: nothing is stronger than love. good t-shirt.
8:00 am
bill: from folks life is good. when molly line held up this on tv they sold 50,000. goes to the victims it in boston. great, great shirt. martha: good for them. "happening now" starts right now. bye, you guys. jenna: we want too, right? jon: let's get a couple. jenna: brand new stories and breaking news. jon: new developments in the benghazi terror attacks that left four americans dead. a new hear something set the day after president obama is looking into claims that survivors are being blocked telling what they know. latest in a california manhunt for the killer of this 8-year-old girl. horrifying video from afghanistan. a 747 cargo plane's final moments in the air before crashing in a fireball killing everyone on board. it is all "happening now."


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